Tuition Costs for Christian Schools in Smithtown, New York: A Comprehensive Guide

Smithtown Christian School is a ministry of the Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle that offers students of any race, color, or national and ethnic origin all the rights, privileges, programs and activities that are generally offered to school students. The tuition costs for this school range between 35 and 70% of the total cost of education. Applying to Smithtown Christian School and applying for variable enrollment are two separate processes. The resources available to the family in a given year should also be taken into account when considering the variable tuition scholarships available at Smithtown Christian. Sacrifice may be necessary in order to send your children to Smithtown Christian School and instill in them heavenly values.

However, this sacrifice will be worth it in the long run as your children will benefit from the quality education and resources offered by this school. It is important to understand the various tuition costs associated with attending Smithtown Christian School and how to apply for variable enrollment.

Tuition Costs at Smithtown Christian School

The tuition costs for Smithtown Christian School range from 35-70% of the total cost of education. This percentage is based on the family's financial resources available in a given year. The school offers a variety of scholarships and tuition assistance programs to help families cover the cost of tuition.

These programs are designed to make it easier for families to afford a quality education for their children.

Applying for Variable Enrollment

In order to apply for variable enrollment at Smithtown Christian School, families must complete an application form and submit it along with supporting documents such as tax returns, pay stubs, and other financial documents. The school will review these documents and determine if the family qualifies for a reduced tuition rate. If approved, the family will be notified of their eligibility and will be able to enroll their child in the school.


Attending Smithtown Christian School can be a great way to provide your children with a quality education while instilling in them heavenly values. It is important to understand the various tuition costs associated with attending this school and how to apply for variable enrollment.

With the right resources and dedication, families can make attending Smithtown Christian School a reality.