What Are the Costs of Attending Grace Christian School Escondido?

At Grace Christian School Escondido, we understand that a quality Christian education should be accessible to all families, regardless of their financial situation. That's why we offer personalized enrollment programs to families who qualify for need-based tuition. We don't offer merit or talent scholarships, but we do our best to partner with families who want their children to attend our school. The cost of tuition for new students is determined after their school application has been accepted by the Admissions Office.

We strive to make Christian education available to as many students as possible, regardless of their socioeconomic status. We believe that no student should be denied a quality Christian education due to financial constraints. Our personalized enrollment program is designed to make sure that all families have access to the same opportunities. At Grace Christian School Escondido, we are committed to providing an affordable and accessible Christian education for all families.

We understand that each family's financial situation is unique, and we strive to provide personalized tuition plans that meet the needs of each family. Our goal is to ensure that no student is denied a quality Christian education due to financial constraints. We offer a variety of payment options for families who qualify for need-based tuition. We also offer discounts for families who have multiple children enrolled in our school. Additionally, we offer a variety of payment plans that can help make tuition more affordable for families.

At Grace Christian School Escondido, we believe that a quality Christian education should be accessible to all families, regardless of their financial situation. We strive to make sure that no student is denied a quality education due to financial constraints. Our personalized enrollment program is designed to make sure that all families have access to the same opportunities.