How Much Does It Cost to Attend Liberty Christian School Durham?

Liberty Christian School Durham is a K-12 institution with 237 students and a student-teacher ratio of 7:1.After graduating, 63% of students at this school go on to pursue a four-year university. The registration fee includes one yearbook per student. If school ends early, the after-school program will not be unavailable. Liberty Christian School is committed to providing an environment that encourages academic excellence, spiritual growth, and active participation in clubs, organizations, and extracurricular activities.

If you're looking for a place to live near Liberty Christian School, it is important to check listings regularly for updates or broaden your search to include homes in the entire zip code or properties near similar school districts. Many people choose to live near Liberty Christian School due to its good reputation and its proximity to parks, recreational areas, and higher learning institutes. Liberty Christian School believes that tuition payments are an investment in your child's spiritual and academic development. The school offers a variety of payment plans and financial aid options to help families manage the cost of tuition.

The cost of attending Liberty Christian School Durham varies depending on the grade level and type of program your child is enrolled in. Tuition for the 2020-2021 school year ranges from $7,000 for kindergarten to $14,000 for high school. Additional fees may apply for certain programs such as after-school care or extracurricular activities. Liberty Christian School Durham also offers a variety of scholarships and financial aid options to help families manage the cost of tuition.

Scholarships are available for students who demonstrate academic excellence or financial need. Financial aid is available for families who qualify based on their income level. Attending Liberty Christian School Durham can be an investment in your child's future. With its commitment to academic excellence, spiritual growth, and extracurricular activities, Liberty Christian School provides an environment that encourages learning and growth.

The cost of tuition varies depending on the grade level and type of program your child is enrolled in, but there are a variety of payment plans and financial aid options available to help families manage the cost.